Flow Chart - Layout Application Process
Processing of Layout Papers by the CLPA/NTDA Offices
Areas falling within CLPA/NTDA
The extent of land : upto 5 acres in respect of Corporation, Municipality and Town Panchayat and a Maximum extent of 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
- Two sets of Applications in the prescribed format (Layout application forms) should be submitted to the local body by the applicant with necessary enclosures(enclosures to accompany layout application) and 5 copies of proposed layout Drawing.
- The local body after scrutiny will forward the application to the CLPA/NTDA for with its recommendation for technical approval and planning permission.
- The technical section at the CLPA/NTDA will scrutiny the application with reference to the norms and parameters and a decision will be taken by the JD/DD/MS.
- Decision may be for approval, rejection or return or calling for additional particulars
- If it was decided to give approval, then technical drawing will be prepared and will be placed before the Authority.
- Then the Centage charges and Development charges would be calculated and demand letter will be sent to the applicant to remit the same.
The centage charges should be paid into government account under a specified Head of Account.
- The Development charges should be remitted to the CLPA / NTDA Fund Account.
- On receipt of the said charges, fair copy of the technically approved layout will be prepared, numbered and due entries will be made in the layout register.
- Three copies of technically approved layout will be dispatched to the local body concerned along with the proceedings order.
- Local body will accord final approval.
Layout applications - Approval by the Regional Office
Area falling within the jurisdiction of regional directorate except the areas covered by the CLPA/NTDA and the land is less than 5 acres in respect of Corporation, Municipality and Town Panchayat and a Maximum extent of 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
- Two sets of Applications in the prescribed format(Layout application forms) should be submitted to the local body by the applicant with necessary enclosures(enclosures to accompany layout application) and 5 copies of proposed layout Drawing at the local body.
- The local body after scrutiny will forward the application to the office of the Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning concerned.
- The technical section at the Regional Office will scrutiny the application with reference to the norms and parameters. Site inspection will be conducted and necessary decision will be taken by RDD.
- Decision may be for approval, rejection or return or calling for additional particulars depending up on the scrutiny of documents furnished and site conditions.
- In case of approval, the technical drawing will be prepared and will be approved.
- Then the Centage charges would be calculated and demand letter will be sent to the applicant to remit the same.
The centage charges should be paid into government account under a specified Head of Account.
On receipt of the said charges, fair copy of the technically approved layout will be prepared, numbered and due entries will be made in the layout register.
- Three copies of technically approved layout will be dispatched to the local body along with the proceeding order.
- Development Charges will be collected as per the prescribed rates by the Single Local Planning authority concerned if the lay out lies in the planning area.
- Local body will accord final approval.
Layout applications – Approval by DTCP
The extent of proposed layout: above 5 acres in respect of Corporation, Municipality and Town Panchayat and a above 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
- Three sets of Applications in the prescribed format(Layout application forms) should be submitted by the applicant with necessary enclosures(enclosures to accompany layout application) and 7 copies of proposed layout to the local body.
- The local body after due scrutiny, will forward application to the concerned CLPA/NTDA/ Regional Office as the case may be with its recommendations for technical approval and planning permission.
- The technical section at the CLPA/NTDA/RO will scrutiny the application with reference to the norms and parameters. Site inspection will conducted.
- The proposals will be forwarded to the office of DTCP along with site inspection report, Copy extracts of Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan and specific recommendation / resolution.
- After scrutiny by the technical section at the DTCP’s office the road pattern for the layout will be prepared.
- On approval of road pattern by the Director, the applicant will be handover the road and OSR to respective local body.
- The applicant will be required to remit the centage charges in the specified Head of Accounts.
- On production of receipts of remittance of centage charge by the applicant, the Fair copy of layout will be prepared, numbered and due entries will be made in the layout register.
- Then Three copies of technically approved layout will be dispatched to the LPA /NTDA/LB along with the Proceedings order.
- LPA / NTDA will sent two copies of technically approved layout to the local body.
- Development charges at the prescribed rates will be collected from the applicant by Single Local Planning Authority concerned if the layout lies in the planning area.
- Local body will accord final approval.
The applicant can get the approved layout plan from the local body.
< The case of Rejection of layout application>
If it was decided to reject the application on merits, letter of intimation, clearly expressing the grounds for such rejection, will be sent to the Local Planning Authority, local body and to the applicant.
< The case of Returning of application>
If decision taken to return the application owing to deficiency of information, non-satisfaction of rules/norms and other obvious reasons that are recorded in the scrutiny report, the proposal will be returned stating the reasons to the local body with copies marked to Local Planning Authority and the applicant.
< The case of want of particulars>
On scrutiny of applications if it was found that some particulars are still required and a decision taken at higher level to give some time to the applicant to furnish such particulars a letter will be sent to the applicant requesting him to furnish such particulars with in such time period.
If the applicant submits the required additional particulars within specified time limit due scrutiny of additional particulars will be carried out.
If the particulars submitted by the applicant are found to still insufficient or the applicant fails to submit within specified time period, action will be taken to reject / return the application.
Sub-division and amalgamation of plots
The power to give technical approval to sub-division / amalgamation of plots is vested with Member secretaries of Composite Local planning authorities to certain extent.
Applicant should submit application in 5 sets to the Member Secretary, Local Planning Authority/NTDA/RDD in the prescribed form with necessary enclosures
- The sub-division of sites for the uses like residential, commercial, industrial, public and semi-public purposes etc., can be approved subject to the following conditions:
- Sub-division of sites in approved layouts may be approved;
- Sub-division of sites abutting the roads owned and maintained by the local bodies may be approved;
- Sub-division of sites will not be approved in unauthorised layout;
- Sub-division can also be approved where one plot abuts an authorised private or public street or the proposed road of Detailed Development Plan or Master Plan, if the Executive Authority of the Local body gives certificate to the effect that the street is taken over by the Local body and it is a recognised public street/road;
- Sub-division will not be approved when the sub-division proposal violates the regulations of Building Rule, Multi-storey Building Rule, Public Building Rules, Detailed Development Plan regulations and proposals, Master Plan regulations, Coastal zone regulations, Hill Area Building rules, Heritage town regulations as stipulated by the Government and any other regulations notified under other Acts but concerned with urban planning and developments.
- The minimum dimension of the sub-division of sites must not be less than 9 metres x 18 metres in Detailed Development Plan areas and it must not be less than 6 metres x 18 metres in non Detailed Development Plan areas in Municipalities and Town Panchayats. In Panchayat union areas, it must be 12m x 18m.
- The sub-division approval for one site must not reduce the dimensions of the abutting site below the level that indicated for the sub-division proposals mentioned in this instructions. This means after approving the sub-division proposals, the minimum dimension of the abutting sites also must not be less than 9 metres x 15 metres or 12m x 18m as the case may be depending upon its location in the Detailed Development Plan areas or non Detailed Development Plan areas or Panchayat union areas.
- Sub-division proposals if create new roads as access ways to the sites, must not be considered as a sub-division.
- The site for which sub-division is requested should not cause drastic violations of rules to the existing building.
Amalgamation of site proposal may be approved.
- If the sites are in the approved layouts;
- If the amalgamated sites satisfy the requirements for minimum width, minimum depth and minimum extent as required under relevant norms and statutory regulations;
- If the proposal does not reduce the site of the abutting sites below that required for approving the sub-division as per this instructions;
- If the proposal does not violate the regulations and proposals of the Master Plan and Development Plan:
- No amalgamation of site proposal be approved if it is in the unauthorised layout.
- No amalgamation proposals be approved if the site does not abut the existing recognised road of the Local bodies or Government;
- No amalgamation proposal be approved if the building proposed in the amalgamated site violates the statutory regulations of relevant Building Rules and the regulations and proposals of Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan.
scrutiny by local body -
Scrutiny By Local body (Layout applications)
- The local body concerned will verify the ownership of the land to its fullest satisfaction after verifying all the relevant documents.
- The local body will examine the layout proposals in accordance with the relevant Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan where these are available with them.
- The local body will also check whether the site in question is under the process of acquisition by institutions like Tamil Nadu Housing Board or Tamil Nzdu Slum Clearance Board or any other organisation.
- If any reclassification is required, the local body will advise the applicant at this stage itself to get necessary reclassification approved by the competent authority.
- The local body will further verify the following points:-
- that the layout application has been entertained only from the owner of the land or any one possessing a full power of attorney duly registered on his behalf.
- that the application is accompanied by upto date and full encumbrance certificate.
- authenticated survey sketch from the survey record has been obtained and enclosed. This would include FMB etc.
- that the land of which a layout is sought for is not affected by any proceedings under the Land Reforms Act, 1961, Urban land ceiling Act, 1978 or the Land Acquisition Act.
- that no Government poromboke or land belonging to any public body or quasi Government body is included in the layout proposal.
- that the access to the land is a proper, public road which is regularly utilised and maintained as a proper road.
- that the layout is not objectionable either because of water logging, bad drainage, unhealthy, surroundings, quarries burial grounds nearby, or suffer from unsuitability due to obstructions to and natural water course, drainage etc.
- that no scheme roads or clauses are affected by the layout. that details of the location of the exit roads from neighbouring layout linking to this layout have been noted.
Follow up action by local body on receipt of technical approval for lay out proposals
- On receipt of the layout proposals approved by the Member Secretary, Composite Local Planning Authority/Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning/Director of Town and Country Planning
- The Executive Authority of the local body will direct the applicant to hand over the open spaces and roads after duly forming them and also to provide all the infrastructural facilities like roads, water supply, drainage and street lights and hand them over to the concerned local bodies after executing necessary gift deed.
- In case the applicant desires that the work be executed by the local body he shall remit 100% of the cost as per the estimates in advance.
- Local bodies will develop standard estimates in advance which can be quickly prepared with the actual data. The promoters will be asked to execute the work as per the estimates prepared.
- After the above process is completed and the gift deed is submitted, a subject will be placed before the Council of the concerned local body for granting approval of the layout along with the planning permission wherever necessary.
- The layout will be considered to have been approved only after it is finally approved by the council of the local body.
- Final approval for layouts will be accorded by the local body only after the applicant provides all the infrastructural facilities like roads, water supply, drainage and street lights and hands them over to the concerned local bodies by prescribed deed duly registered after either duly forming the roads/streets himself : OR after paying the cost of road/street formation to the local body.
- On approval of the layout by the council, the local body will intimate the concerned Sub-Registrar that the documents be registered.
The local bodies will take over the street and public purpose reservations in approved layouts and will maintain the same properly.
Directorate of Town and Country Planning
Click here to view the check list for applications related to layout
Scrutiny Form