Large sized multi purpose Coop.Society Medium Term loan to Tribal members
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Tractor Purchase
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Power tiller
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Animal Husbandry
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Sericulture In irrigated area.
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - Jewel loans
District central Cooperative Banks and through its branches - For Working women
District central Cooperative Banks and through its branches - For Women Enterpreneurs
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Minor irrigation
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Fishing Boats (Catamarans)
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Plantation (Tea)
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Poultry development
District central Cooperative Banks and through its branches - For Jewel loan
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Inland fishing
Large sized multi purpose Coop.Society Jewel Loan (interest free)
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Horticulture
Large sized multi purpose Coop.Society For interest free loan
Co-operation, Food and Consumer Protection Department