Infrastructure subsidy for Privately Developed Industrial Estates.
Distribution of manually operated Plant Protection Equipment
Rebate/ Reimbursement of Stamp duty & Registration charges for Micro and Small Enterprises
Under Integrated Scheme for Oilseeds, Oilpalm and Maize (ISOPOM)
Reservation for Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises in SIPCOT Industrial Estates
Organizing Block Demonstration through Department and also through TNAU
Organizing Block demonstration on Polythene mulch Technology in Groundnut
Rebate on Stamp duty and registration charges for Privately Developed Industrial Estates
Seed Multiplication Scheme of Paddy, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds and Cotton
Price Preference for Micro and Small Enterprises in Government purchases
Farm Production System and micro enterprises - Sponsored By State Govt
Waiver of Earnest Money Deposit for participation in Tenders
Subsidy on the cost of Patent Registration in India or abroad
Reservation for Micro Enterprises in TANSIDCO Industrial Estates
Reimbursement of hall rent for conducting exhibition by MSME Association
Term loan obtained under NEF scheme of TIIC (Renamed as Micro/Small Enterprises Funding Scheme)
Subsidy on the cost of Trade Mark Registration in India or abroad
Term loan obtained for Technology upgradation / modernisation schemes
Livelihood activities for asset less persons - Sponsored By State Govt
Skill Development Training Schemes and Skill Upgradation Training Schemes
Visit of Contract Farming farmers to the Research Stations in Karnataka
Term loan obtained for ISO Certification/R&D under NSICTANSIDCO Consortium
Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department