G.O (Ms) NO.298 Dt: June 22, 2021572KBMucormycosis diseases - Revised Treatment protocol for patients with Mucormycosis - infection - Approved - Orders - issued.
G.O. (Ms) No.297 Dt: June 21, 2021113KBPlanning and Development - Transfer of Government Hospital - Saidapet Chennai functioning under the control of Director of Medical and Rural Health Services to administrative control of Director of Medical Education with Infrastructure and Staff with effect from 01.06.2021
G.O. (Ms) No.284 Dt: June 14, 202184KBRules-Tamil Nadu Public Health Services - Temporary post of State Maternal and Child Health Officer - Adhoc Rules - Issued
G.O. (Ms) No.285 Dt: June 14, 202152KBTamil Nadu Public Health Subordinate Services - Recruitment (Direct) - Post of Computer - Cum-Vaccine Store Keeper - Form of Certificate of Physical Fitness and Standard of Vision - Prescribed - Orders - Issued
G.O (Ms) No. 283 Dt: June 10, 202133KBHigh Level Committee - Constitution of High Level Committee under chairmanship of a retired High Court Judge Justice Thiru A.K. Rajan to study the impact of NEET on Medical admission - Orders - Issued
G.O. (Ms) No.278 Dt: June 09, 202162KBRules - Amendment to the Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Public Health Service - Posts of Statistical Officer and Assistant Director (State Bureau of Health Intelligence) - Issued.
G.O.(D).No.695 Dt: June 04, 202129KBCOVID-19 pandemic - Certain medical items - Declared as essential Article and Maximum retail price fixed - Notification - issued
G.O. (Ms) No.272 Dt: June 03, 2021275KBTamil Nadu Medical Subordinate Services - Appointment of Para Personnel on contract basis in Government Medical Institutions under the Director of Medical Education for COVID-19 exigencies - Orders - Issued
G.O.(Ms) No. 271 Dt: June 03, 202120KBPublic Health - Air travel - Permit the Head of the Departments of Health and Family Welfare Department to travel by Air within the State and to travel other State for effectively handling the Covid -19 situation - Orders -Issued
GO (Ms) No.254 Dt: May 24, 2021607KBMedical Education - Pursuing of Compulsory Rotary Internship Training - Orders Issued for 80 Foreign Medical Graduates- Re-accommodation of 80 Foreign Medical Graduates to the Institutions under the control of Director of Medical Education - Permitted - Orders - Issued
G.O Ms. No. 251 Dt: May 22, 20213MBTamil Nadu Heath Systems Project - Chief Minister Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme - Fixation of ceiling rates for the Covid-19 treatment at Private Hospitals for the beneficiaries under CM CHIS and the General Public - Orders -Issued.
G.O Ms.No. 252 Dt: May 22, 2021110KBPublic Health and Preventive Medicine - Immunization - COVID Vaccination for individuals in the age group of 18-44 - Orders -
G.O (Ms) No. 248 Dt: May 20, 2021430KBTamil Nadu Medical Services - Covid 19 exigencies - Appointment of 2100 Medical Officers Temporarily - On Contract Basis - For a Period of 6 Months in Government Medical College Hospitals andm attached institutions - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued
G.O (Ms) No.242 Dt: May 18, 2021473KBCOVID-19 -Task Force Committee - On Allocation, Supply and Distribution of Medical Oxygen in Tamil Nadu - Constituted - Orders Issued
G.O (Ms) No.240 Dt: May 14, 2021555KBTamil Nadu Health Systems Project - Uniform rates for Patient Transport Ambulance / Basic Life Support Ambulance (BLS) / Advance Life Support Ambulance (ALS) - Fixed - Orders - Issued.
G.O (Ms) No. 239 Dt: May 13, 20212MBCOVID-19 Pandemic - Treatment protocol for patients with corona virus infection - Ordered - Amendment - Issued
GO (Ms) No.234 Dt: May 11, 2021110KBCOVID-19 pandemic - Treatment protocol for patients with corona virus infection - Ordered - Amedment - Issued