Thirukalikundram Town Panchayat (Kancheepuram District)
Temple and Thripura Sundari kovil Patchi Theertham (Vedagri hill which is 160m
high). Just before noon everyday, two white kites stop at the temple and are
fed by the temple priests. Legend has it that these two birds are actually
saints who stop to rest at the temple on their flight between Varanasi and
Rameshwaram. Once in every 12 years, a conch is discovered in this tank and
thousands of devotees flock to bathe in the tank at this auspicious time. A
collection of the conches is displayed in the large Shiva Temple.
Photo Gallery
Veadagireswarar Temple
Veadagireswarar Temple
(Top View )
Veadagireswarar Temple Tank (Shangu Theertha kulam )
Veadagireswarar Temple and Thripura Sundari kovilPatchi Theertham (Vedagri
hill which is 160m high) |
Just before
noon everyday, two white kites stop at the temple and are fed by the temple
priests. Legend has it that these two birds are actually saints who stop to
rest at the temple on their flight between Varanasi and Rameshwaram. |
Once in every
12 years, aconch is discovered in this tank and thousands of devotees flock
to bathe in the tank at this auspicious time. A collection of the conches is
displayed in the large Shiva Temple. |