நல்லாறு எனினும் கொளல்தீது மேலுலகம்
இல்லெனினும் ஈதலே நன்று

Department Profile
Commercial Taxes and Registration Department
Contact Details

Thiru P. Moorthy

Minister for Commercial Taxes and Registration

Commercial Taxes, Registration and Stamp Act, Weights and Measures, Debt Relief including legislation on Money lending, Chits and Registration of Companies


Email-Id : minister_ctax[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel.No     :  044-25672232


Secretary to Government

Thiru  Kumar Jayant, IAS

Additional Chief Secretary to Government

Email : ctsec@tn.gov.in

Phone : 25672757 PBX No:5587

Department Profile:

Commercial Taxes earn the highest tax revenue for the Government of Tamil Nadu. In order to meet the increasing requirement of funds for Welfare and Development Schemes, the taxation policy of the Government aims to mobilise higher revenues and also widen the tax base so that the commodities where the tax rates are already high, are not over burdened with taxation. At the same time, care is also taken not to over burden the common man.

The Registration Department rendering service to the Public for about 138 years occupies the third place in generating revenue to the State exchequer considering its vital role both towards the Government and the Public, this department strives to ensure transparency and speedy service. With this goal, the Department is taking steps to modernize

Commercial Taxes Department is committed to the following aims and objects

  • Effective implementation of the Acts, Rules and other relevant procedures.

  • Maximisation of revenue collection and thereby contribute to the efforts of the Government to implement the various welfare and development programmes.

  • Providing quality service to dealers and assesses as well as to trade and industry

Contact Particulars of Heads of Departments and Undertakings:
Acts and Ordinances:
Rules and Regulations:
Websites / Related links: