நல்லாறு எனினும் கொளல்தீது மேலுலகம்
இல்லெனினும் ஈதலே நன்று

Department Profile
Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department
Contact Details

Tmt. P. Geetha Jeevan

Minister for Social Welfare & Women Empowerment

Social Welfare including Women and Children Welfare, Orphanages and Correctional Administration, Integrated Child Development Scheme and Beggar Homes and Social Reforms & Nutritious Meal Programme


Email-Id  : minister_sw[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel.No     :  044-25673209

Secretary to Government

Tmt  Jayashree Muralidharan, IAS.,

Secretary to Government

Email : swsec@tn.gov.in

Phone : 25671545(O)

Department Profile:

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department is implementing various welfare schemes for the overall welfare and development of the children, women, senior citizens and transgender covering their nutrition, safety, socio-economic security, etc. through the Directorate of Social Welfare, the Directorate of Social Defence and the Directorate of Integrated Child Development Services. This Department act as a Nodal Agency for various Social Security Pension Schemes which is being implemented by the Commissioner of Revenue Administration.

Welfare Schemes like Marriage Assistance, Girl Child Protection, Nutritious Meal Programme and Supply of Uniforms to School Children are implemented by the Directorate of Social Welfare. In order to protect the destitute, deserted women, young girls rescued from child marriage, Service Homes are established in seven districts. There are 28 Working Women Hostels maintained in order to give safe and secured living places with all amenities and hygienic food at reasonable cost for working women coming from distant places to work in district headquarters and industrial areas. In order to give self employment, economic independence to women, 98 Women Tailoring Industrial Co-operative Societies and one Transgender Tailoring Society are established. Senior Citizens and Transgender are also benefited by various welfare schemes which lead them to live a respectful and dignified life.

To ensure safety, security and mobility, all women including working women, girl students pursuing higher education and Transgender are allowed to travel in town buses run by State Transport Corporation at free of cost.

Recognizing the low enrolment ratio of girl students from Government schools in higher education, the MoovalurRamamirthamAmmaiyar Memorial Marriage Assistance Scheme is being transformed as MoovalurRamamirthamAmmaiyar Higher Education Assurance Scheme. All girl students who studied from Classes 6 to 12th in Government schools are paid Rs.1,000/- per month directly into their bank account till the uninterrupted completion of their undergraduate degree, diploma and ITI courses.

Under PuratchiThalaivar MGR Nutritious Meal programme, 48.51 lakh school children from standard 1 to 10 are being given hot, nutritious variety and tasty food. In Integrated Child Development Services, the children from birth to 6 years, the pregnant and lactating mothers are also provided nutritious food and health education.

The department also implements various welfare measures for the children who has lost single or both the parents due to COVID-19. A sum of Rs.5.00 lakh (Rupees Five lakh only) is deposited in the name of the child who had lost one of the parents earlier and other parent due to COVID-19 from the Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund and deposited in the Tami Nadu Power Finance Corporation in the name of the child. The Deposited amount shall be paid to the child with accrued interest when he/she completes 18 years of age.

A sum of Rs.3.00 lakh is given to the surviving father or mother of the child who had lost either father or mother due to COVID-19 from the Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund in the name of the child as immediate relief.

A child who had lost both the parents and living with his relative / guardian without being admitted in any registered Child Care Institutions or Government Hostels shall be given a maintenance grant of Rs.3,000/- per month till the child completes 18 years of age.

Social legislations to protect children, women and senior citizens like Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,1956, Dowry Prohibition Act,1961, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005, Commission for Protection of Child Right Act, 2005 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act,2007, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act,2012 (POCSO), Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act,2013, Tamil Nadu Hostels and Homes for Women and Children (Regulations) Act,2014 and Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,2015 are implemented and monitored by the Department of Social Welfare and Women Empowerment.

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