நல்லாறு எனினும் கொளல்தீது மேலுலகம்
இல்லெனினும் ஈதலே நன்று

Department Profile
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Department
Contact Details

Thiru Anitha R. Radhakrishnan

Minister for Fisheries – Fishermen Welfare and Animal Husbandry

Fisheries and Fisheries Development Corporation and Animal Husbandry

Email-Id  :  minister_fisheries[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in, minister_ah[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel.No     :  044-25672265


Thiru R.S.Rajakannappan

Minister for Milk & Dairy Development

Milk and Dairy Development, Khadi and Village Industries Board

Email-Id  : minister_mdd[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel.No :  044-25671512

Secretary to Government

Thiru  Satyabrata Sahoo IAS.,

Principal Secretary to Government

Email : ahsec@tn.gov.in

Phone : 25672937

Department Profile:


Animal husbandry contributes significantly in supplementing the income of small, marginal farmers and landless labourers and in generating gainful employment opportunities especially self-employment to a substantial number of rural and urban population many of whom are women who play a major role in the care and management of livestock. It serves as a vital source for providing nutritious protein rich balanced food in the form of milk, egg, meat and value added products. Moreover, they are also intricately associated with the social, cultural and traditional values of the region.

Animal Husbandry Department plays a major role in providing veterinary health care and improving the genetic production potentialities of livestock and poultry reared in the State. Apart from this, various beneficiary oriented schemes are also being implemented for the economic upliftment and welfare of the poor, downtrodden and weaker sections of the society. Various veterinary institutions spread throughout the State provide the above services. With the dedicated and sustained efforts of the department in implementation of various beneficiary oriented programmes and judicious utilization of animals and the natural resources in an eco-balanced way, the livestock sector of the State has been elevated to a prominent position


Dairy sector is important not only as the producer of highly nutritious food products, but also for the sustenance of poor farmers and over all prosperity of the farming community.

It is a matter of great pride that a nation which was deficit in milk has now become the leading milk producer in the world. Tamil Nadu ranks eighth in milk production and is well on the way towards achieving the Second White Revolution as envisioned by the Honble ChiefMinister of Tamil Nadu. Milk production in the State during 2012-13 was around 1.82 Crore litres per day.


Fisheries have emerged as an important food production sector of the State contributing to the livelihood as well as food security of a large section of the people. Fishing activity, starting as a traditional livelihood activity in early fifties has now transformed into commercial enterprise contributing to the State and National economy, livelihood and nutritional security, rural employment generation and foreign exc hange earnings significantly.

Tamil Nadu is one of the foremost States in India showing steady increase in fish production and optimum utilization of resources. Tamil Nadu is pioneering many innovative developmental and welfare schemes.

The Government is committed to protecting the traditional fishing rights of Tamil Nadu fishermen, diversifying them to deep sea fishing, providing infrastructure facilities such as construction of fishing harbours fish landing centres, marketing infrastructure, implementing innovative schemes such as conversion purchase of new mechanized fishing vessels for Tuna fishing, establishing Fish Processing Parks in the coastal districts, deployment of artificial reefs, providing Seamless communication facilities to marine fishermen etc.,

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