Thiru K.K.S.S.R Ramachandran
Minister for Revenue and Disaster Management
Revenue, District Revenue Establishment, Deputy Collectors, Disaster Management
Email-Id : minister_revenue[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
Tel.No : 044-25670203
Tmt P. Amudha, IAS.,
Additional Chief Secretary to Government
Email : revsec@tn.gov.in
Phone : 25671556 PABX 5664
The Revenue Department functions with the following broad objectives-
1) Providing efficient delivery of services of various Government schemes to the people of Tamil Nadu.
2) Providing relief and implementing rehabilitation measures for those affected by Natural Calamities.
3) Functioning as the custodian of Government lands and ensuring proper maintenance of land records for the State.
4) Implementation of Land Reforms and providing land to the needy and eligible persons.
To carry out the above mentioned objectives the following offices are functioning under the Department.
1) Commissionerate of Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation.
2) Commissionerate of Land Administration
3) Commissionerate of Land Reforms
4) Commissionerate of Survey and Settlement
5) Directorate of Urban Land Ceiling and Land Tax.