Tmt. N. Kayalvizhi Selvaraj
Minister for Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management and Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Email-Id :
Tel.No :
Thiru C. Samayamoorthy, IAS.,
Secretary to Government
Email : parsec@tn.gov.in
Phone : 25672740
To play an effective role in managing the Human Resources across the Government Departments, based on the recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission, chaired by Thiru. T.A. Varghese, I.C.S, the Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department was carved out from the Public Department on 6th November 1976.
An organisation stands tall, only through hard work and initiatives of its workforce for progressing towards targets to successfully achieve the purpose. This department which deals with such personnel. The human capital have to be considered as balancing scales of the organisation; touchstones enjoined to maintain integrity in public services, stepping stones to promote the status of poor and as a shimmering cadre endowed with talent to assess the stakeholders. Appropriately endorsing the above concept that the personnel are the Assets of an organisation, Hon’ble Chief Minister has renamed the department as Human Resources Management Department on 30.06.2021.
Human Resources Management comprises of the functions such as recruitment, training, development through motivation and regulations. All the organisations undertaking the above functions for Government Servants are acting under the jurisdiction of this Department.
Main functions of this department can be categorised into 4 divisions as listed below:
Statutory functions- Administering of Acts:-
The organic link of Acts, Rules and Regulations with service delivery is very evident in the operational sphere of Government with large dimensions. Hence, administration of statutory and executive provisions are dynamic and non-negotiable to ensure regularity and uniformity in operations. This department administers -The Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016 [Tamil Nadu Act No.14 of 2016] and Tamil Nadu Lokayukta Act, 2018 (Tamil Nadu Act No.33/2018).
Administrative functions:-
This department ensures adherence to Rules and Regulations relating to service and discipline as listed in Rules and Regulations section below in day to day administration of all units of Government Departments. Relevant rules / regulations are pruned, updated, revamped then and there to reduce ambiguities and reiterate the core values and goals of the organization in the mind of the employees.
Advisory functions:-
To maintain uniformity in Government Services, departments of Secretariat consult the Human Resources Management Department on various issues including the following under the Tamil Nadu Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions. Estimation of vacancies and preparation of panels for various posts included in Tamil Nadu State Services and Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service; Providing guidance for regularisation of service and declaration of probation of Government employees; Providing clarifications in Fundamental Rules; Examination of proposals with regard to revision of seniority; Advise for framing and amending the Special / Adhoc Rules. Advise on issues relating to disciplinary matters against Government servants.
Training is a core activity of this department for improving the performance of Human Resources for day to day jobs and future roles and responsibilities. The employees are imparted with different kinds of training to gain basic knowledge at inception, followed by value addition and competitive edge in select fields of their performance such as Foundational training to all Government Servants at entry level; Mandatory training to Government Servants in-service; Need based refresher training (RTI, e-Governance, Cyber Security, etc.,); The Department is also mandated to provide preparatory training for selection to different posts in public services to the youth of Tamil Nadu to improve their employability.